Jon Swae, San Francisco

"Fuck this War Shit!"

i do the ritual
one hundred times
to sever myself
from my country's

a hundred letters
to U.S. senators
atmospheric destruction
oil addictions
insatiable greed

i assemble a monster fire
to dance around
animal masked
screaming the cries
of the other realms

i mumble mantras in the shower
to remove collective curse

i visit washington
in dreams
spreading the president
with juniper smoke
taking a walk up a mountain
to breathe in space
to sit quietly
and listen
for one second

i project my form
into the middle east
to unveil containers of light
in blown up streets
and to tell the shopowner
i feel his wet dripping tears
on my face
and that it is me too
who can't sleep at night
kept awake by aircraft overhead
fearing the worst

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